Mission and Vision
Mission Statement
The Texas Folklore Society collects, preserves, and shares the practices and customs of the people of Texas and the Southwest.
Our Vision
We yearn for connection to our ancestors and our descendants, and with our community, our neighbors, our friends and extended family. We're interested in those who are similar to us and those who are different. Through coming together, through study, research, travel, writing, and passing along customs, traditions, stories, and songs, we connect our past with our present and pass it along to those who come after us. We preserve and collect folklore through books, annual meetings, curriculum, presentations, and outreach. Members gather each year in a different part of the state for affordable festivities that include a fun-filled tour of the area, a hootenanny (or two), listening to great folks tell tales and give papers on various folklore topics, a banquet and music—lots of music.
Former Secretary–Editor F. E. "Ab" Abernethy used to say: “The Society's main purpose is to search for ways to preserve folklore without embalming it and to present a fairly well educated public with the treasures of their culture's folk life.”