Member News
Texas Folklore Society marks 104th Annual Meeting
Members of the Texas Folklore Society celebrate folklore, fellowship, and fun during the 104th Annual Meeting of the Texas Folklore Society on April 6–8, 2023, in Waco.
Tarleton State to Host Film Screening
Texas Folklore Society is cosponsoring a free screening of The Birth & History of Western Swing on Tuesday, April 4. The public is invited and welcome to attend.
Library open to TFS members, Tarleton State family
The relocation of the Texas Folklore Society to Tarleton State University has allowed us to make accessible an extensive collection of books that very few people have had the opportunity to fully explore.
TFS Partners in Preservation for Real Places 2023
The Texas Historical Commission’s Real Places 2023 conference will take place both virtually and in person, in Austin, February 1–3.
New book dives into Ab's spelunking adventures
William Elliott, PhD., a longtime friend of F.E. “Ab” Abernethy, has published a portion of Ab's memoir, detailing the spelunking adventures and more. Ab served as Secretary-Editor for the for TFS from 1971–2004.